Tuesday, October 21, 2008

All Dressed Up!

Calah and Ellie have been so excited for months now to go to their first wedding! They wore their fancy Christmas dresses and curled up their hair. Both were especially good at the ceremony and didn't complain or be loud or anything. Angels! When Scott announced 'you may now kiss the bride' Calah said 'gross' and hid while Ellie perked up and said 'look mommy, kissing!' At the reception the girls met up with several of their church friends and played, ate, and danced to their hearts content. On the way home Ellie asked if they were now allowed to go to every wedding-We'll see.


Corrigan Party of Six said...

Amy, your girls are so cute... i love it when they all dress up! Lisa

Beth P said...

Oh, I want to see them dancing! We'll need to have a dance party when I come visit. Abby can groove too!

Amber Red said...

So cute! Reese asked the same thing!

Amber said...

So cute! Drew, like Calah, would have said grose to the kiss and Lilly would have been like Ellie. Must be a birth order thing...

My girls had a blast at the reception too and asked when the next party was. I always love watching our girls have a blast together!!!

Heather said...

So pretty!