Monday, February 9, 2009

A rare sight to see!

I can't remember the last time they all took a nap AT THE SAME TIME!!!!!! Ahhhhh-I can feel my sanity slowly coming back.


Pam said...

Ah...hope you enjoyed it!!

Abbey said...

Wow! Definitely a good moment to capture in pictures... What do you do to "relax" in those rare moments? Or are you one to try to get something done in the time that you have?

Abbey said...

Oh, and I LOVE that On the Banks of Plum Creek is right next to Calah! Such a great series...

Amy said...

I definitely used this time to relax! I read a my book and ate some yummy chocolate:) Calah is doing a biography project in school and picked Laura Ingles Wilder, hence the Banks of Plum Creek.