Monday, May 11, 2009

A Mother's Day Song

My cute little girls surprised me yesterday with hand-made gifts and a song that Calah and Ellie not only wrote, but then sang to me. Here is their song to me.

We love you
Mommy, Mommy, we love you so much that
we talk about you everyday and every night.
We should kiss you, we should hug you
because your the best mom ever!
We love you, yes we do (echo).
We love you!

This to me, this is the best song ever written!!!!


Matt Bayley said...

The best song, hands down

Melissa Meyer said...

That is the cutest thing :) You have such sweet girls!

Beth P said...

That's so sweet! I wish I could hear it. :0)

Rachel said...


Abbey said...

Love it! Makes my heart melt...

Amber Red said...

very cute! I think matt should sing it at church!